Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tips: Testing your site via different flavors of IE

Ever since becoming a developer, the browser that constantly tops my list of not-so-well-behaved always belonged to IE, especially IE6. And with new versions released every now and then, it's no wonder that a large chunk of development and QA time is spent on fixing those layout issues caused by quirky IE rendering.

A co-worker of mine stumbled upon this great tool that lets you view your site in various IE flavors starting with IE6 down to the current trend they call IE8.

I haven't had the opportunity yet to sample this tool, but if any of you already did, please leave a comment.


kim0chii said...

now blogging as a programmer

shiira 동방신기 said...

haha..you could say so.LOL
it only goes to show that there aren't good things happening in my private life..nothing worth blogging.XD

kim0chii said...

i didn't say anything... that was a pure and honest clean comment. there was no read-between-the-lines intention at all...


shiira 동방신기 said...

i was only telling you the reason of the sudden shift of topics here in my blog..from highly emotional down to technical..hahaha

that was a pure and honest comment too you know.

kim0chii said...

wahahaha... im still not giving up on my blog though. wahihihi

shiira 동방신기 said...

Please don't. I won't drag you into this kind of existence too.and besides your entries are amazingly funny..haha even if the entry is depressing, I can't help but laugh..

*im such a sicko..LOL

kim0chii said...

funny???? oh my... even the depressing ones are funny??? that is so funny. are you making fun of me??? lol...

shiira 동방신기 said...

wahaha..even your comments are funny..this is so funny.im not making fun of you though.youre just naturally funny.nothing funny with that..

*funny is the word of the day.how funny.LOL

kim0chii said...

oh my... ill be posting a new entry later but there is nothing funny about it though. wahuhuhuhu