Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tips: Testing your site via different flavors of IE

Ever since becoming a developer, the browser that constantly tops my list of not-so-well-behaved always belonged to IE, especially IE6. And with new versions released every now and then, it's no wonder that a large chunk of development and QA time is spent on fixing those layout issues caused by quirky IE rendering.

A co-worker of mine stumbled upon this great tool that lets you view your site in various IE flavors starting with IE6 down to the current trend they call IE8.

I haven't had the opportunity yet to sample this tool, but if any of you already did, please leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tips: Can't right-click within FF3.5

If you have come across this problem where you can't right click anywhere within the browser window, try uninstalling the Yahoo! Toolbar. It worked like a charm for me.

Tips: How to insert code snippets on Blogger

I tried searching for an available plugin I could use in Blogger that would enable me to insert code snippets here and there on my posts. As opposed to other blogs where I can just insert <code>, Blogger doesn't seem to have something available for this purpose. Good thing I found Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighligher which seems to be what I was looking for. I searched a bit more and found a comprehensive HOW-TO on adding this functionality in my blogger account.

That easy and you can now insert code snippets within your post. For the actual usage guide, you can visit at this link and for a list of available languages supported for syntaxhighlighting, feel free to browse directly here.

CSS: Black background on select box on Chrome

I'm using the current version of Chrome, as of this writing, at version and the background shorthand that I declared on the stylesheet that includes a background image is rendered black in Chrome.

I'm not sure if this has been fixed(this is a bug, by the way, as reported) but a temporary fix I did was add a background color to the background shorthand style in the CSS section.

Hope that helps...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CSS: Common CSS Markup Errors

I was coding the day away again today and came across several markup validation errors that were a little intriguing. Thus, I googled the issues and came upon tons of wonderful knowledge mine in the place they call the web.

I just thought you might want to read up on this if you're into web development as I am. It's an interesting read for those who haven't known of these commonly made css markup errors. Believe me, once you've read all those, it's gonna be worth your time really. Saves you a lot of trouble along the way.

Common CSS Markup Errors

HTML: Remove Skype extension icon on phone numbers etc

Ever come across that problem where you want to automatically disable the skype extension from showing beside phone numbers,etc on your site and thus messing up your pixel-perfect layout?

I've come across this fix that works great everytime. Feel free to include this within your <head> tags.